Expression of Wish
With your Heinz pension, you’re already making valuable provision for your own financial future – but did you know that your pension can also benefit your loved ones if you die whilst a member? That money could make a real difference to them at a difficult and stressful time.
These benefits are paid at the Trustees’ discretion so that they aren’t affected by tax. The Trustees will normally follow your wishes when it comes to deciding who should get the money. To make that decision straightforward for them, it’s really important for you to complete an Expression of Wish form – and keep those details up to date in case your wishes or circumstances change.
The simplest way to update your wishes is via the online pension portal. Just go to to get started. If you haven’t previously registered for online access, don’t let that put you off – it’s a straightforward process and won’t take long.
If you’d prefer to submit a paper form, you can download and print one here and then post it to the administration team at Heinz Administration Team, Capita Pension Solutions, PO Box 555, Darlington, DL1 9YT.
If you have previously filled out a form but can’t see your wishes in your account, don’t worry we still have a record of these, but recommend you update and submit your wishes to make sure they’re up to date.
Your pension isn’t just about you. It’s about the people you love and care for. If you act now, you could be saving time and heartache later on – so why not go online today and make sure your loved ones have the protection you want for them?